Friday, April 3, 2009

Long Time, No Post!

Ok, so I've seriously abandoned my blog. I was on fire at first and then the flame just flickered out. I don't know why (well, actually I do know why...I joined Facebook and have become addicted. yes, I admit it! I'm addicted!). I love reading my friends' blogs daily and catching up on what's going on in their lives, but the desire to actually type out something that's been going on in my life, well, I didn't think there was anything exciting enough to talk about. So with a kick in the rear from a dear friend of mine (thanks Tera!) and I am trying to get back on the wagon and start this blog up again. Honestly, I am going to try to make a concerted effort at posting something even if I think it's not all that exciting because maybe the 3 people who actually read this blog will enjoy seeing it.

So let's see what's been going on since my last post....Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's, my, my....I have been a bad blogger (shame on me!). I won't bore you with all the details of all of the past months, but will share a few pictures with you. (**Speaking of pictures...I don't know what's up with the size of the pictures. This is a problem I've had for a while with Blogger and no one seems to have an answer for me. If anyone out there can help me out, that would be great! Until then, you either get these teeny tiny pictures that are weird looking or whopper sized pictures that you can only see half of. Sorry!)

Courtlyn with Santa with David's work Christmas Dinner at Keeneland

3 of us freezing at the Richmond Christmas Parade in the back of Daddy's truck

Feeding a monkey a banana at a Gymboree birthday party.

3 of us on Christmas Eve
Christmas morning at home

At her first princess tea party

Posing for a valentine picture
At Casa Cafe with a possible future boyfriend??? :)

In the locker room at the Y before swimming lessons

Helping mommy make scrambled eggs

Enjoying her favorite fruit...lemons!

The damage! The child doesn't even pucker up when she's eating them! Weird!

Fun at the park with Daddy

Being silly before bedtime

Helping Mommy clean

Last, but certainly not least...a potty shot--straight out of the bath tub
So I hope I haven't bored you to death with all the pictures, but this has caught us up to where we are now....potty training! OH THE JOY!!!!!!!!!!! OH THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pain in my knees when I have to clean up messes that is! It's been a long process that I wished would hurry up and be over with, but it's not. My little princess is doing this in her own time much to my chagrin, just like I thought she would. It's day to day and a 1 step forward, 4 steps back sort of process, but we are getting there slowly but surely. Hopefully a month from now I can say hey, WE ARE POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!!!!!! A girl can wish can't she?!?! :)


Anonymous said...

I looooooove all these pics! OMgoodness, I always KNEW girls clothes were way cuter than boys! She's such a little beauty.

GL with the potty-training! It's definitely an exercise in patience. Sam surprised us because he seemed to take to it quite easily (but that doesn't mean he's perfect). We often have 'mini' accidents where he waits too long to tell me he has to go and can't quite make it.

Ah well. My big trick has been the no pull-ups rule (see more on the PT post at SK) and an ample supply of potty treats. Yes it is bribery, and I what I save in diapers I may have to pay for in tooth fillings.

Well if it's not one will always be another!

Good to see you here! EVE

Amy said...

Hey Eve! Thanks for your comments and for stopping by my blog! Yes, I have resorted to bribery when I said I would never do that. (Never say never, huh?!) I'm with the mentality now, whatever it takes to use the potty, I will do it because I am tired of changing diapers! :)

Tera said...

Love all of the pictures. You always have Courtlyn dressed so cute! Her Christmas dress was just darling!! Love her room favorite shades of purple. We had ordered that bedding in pink when I was switching Braylee to a twin bed, but then I found some stuff that matched her walls at Wal-Mart!! So, I sent the expensive PBKs stuff back. But, I love it! :)