Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pickles, Lemons & Rock-a-bye Baby

Crazy title, huh? Well, there is a story...

Saturday I took Courtlyn to Georgetown for her 2 year pictures. She did great. So well that she earned herself 2 balloons. Nothing like a good ol' bribe! ;) So we head to Hamburg in Lexington to get the 2 promised balloons and lunch at Calistoga's (which by the way is my new favorite restaurant!). We get in Calistoga's and ordered and this is where Courtlyn turned on.

I ordered her a grilled cheese sandwich, chips and a pickle. Now this was the first time she had ever had a dill pickle and it was definitely a Kodak moment. It was, you could say, a love/hate relationship she had with the pickle. She loved the taste of it because she would say ummmm...good, but when the sour part would kick in she would throw it down like she didn't want it. It was hilarious!
Trying out the pickle...

Taking a big bite...


After the pickle fiasco Courtlyn finished up her food and we thought we were ready to go. She saw there were lemons and she is a lemon lover (especially Cracker Barrel lemons). I'm not sure what it is about Cracker Barrel's lemons, but my mother-in-law says that she can eat them left and right when they take her. Anyway, I go and get her a couple of lemons. She sticks the whole thing in her mouth and she doesn't really flinch like you would expect her to. My mouth is totally watering right now just thinking about it. But apparently the lemons at Calistoga aren't as good as the lemons at Cracker Barrel because she wouldn't have anything to do with the second lemon I tried to give her.
Devouring the lemon...

Here's just a couple pictures of Courtlyn posing right before we left. She was totally hamming it up with the people who were waiting in line. She would wave at them and say hello. It must have been the pickle/lemon mixture working on her because the rest of the day she was a firecracker. :) Gotta love it!

Now on to the Rock-a-bye Baby part...Courtlyn has just recently developed a deep interest into her baby dolls. She has started to rock them, pat them, feed them and really started to "mother" them which I totally LOVE. But you really have to be careful because she doesn't want you to know that she is doing this so I have to sneak to get pictures. Here's what I got this past Sunday when we were at Nana & Papaw Joe's after church...
Rocking baby Bailey to sleep in the rocking chair
Burping baby Bailey (notice the burp cloth on her shoulder) too cute!

Now if I could just get her on video singing Rock-a-Bye Baby without her noticing you all would crack up. That's my new mission! :)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Courtney likes lemons too! Funny how you can't get them to eat green beans but they'll eat a lemon! She's so cute!