Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Almost Party Time...

Well, we are gearing up for Courtlyn's big day...her 2nd birthday party that is, which will be tomorrow afternoon. I've almost got everything done that is going to get done. The only things left to do is go to the grocery, pick up the cake and get the balloons.

I can't wait to see what her reaction will be to all the gifts she will get. Last year was fun, but I think this year will be even more fun because she will understand more what is going on.

Thanks to Nana & Papaw Joe she got 1 gift early on Tuesday evening when we got home...her very own table and chairs. When she saw it she squealed, said awwww and put her head down like she was hugging it. She immediately started piling her favorite books on the table and had to sit in every chair to see how they felt. Then she decided that she wanted to line the chairs up like we do in Bible class every Sunday morning for circle time. It was so cute! After that, she decided that she didn't like where Daddy placed her table and chairs so she moved every piece to the living room (as if we didn't already have enough stuff piled up in there already!). Silly girl! :)

Until I post about the party here's Courtlyn and her table & chairs....

Courtlyn with her new table & chairs.
Courtlyn with her new table & chairs.

Courtlyn & Daddy playing in the living room.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A New Beginning...

So, I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but I thought I would give it a whirl and see if anyone is even remotely interested in our rather quiet life. I hope to at least update once a week, but notice I did say "hope".

We are gearing up for Courtlyn's 2nd birthday which is the 29th of this month. It's just hard to believe that nearly 2 years ago we brought this adorable little bundle of joy into the world. Here she is just hours after she was born...

The nursery nurse said it correctly whenever the grandparents were trying to get this picture. She said well I will try and see if she will turn your way, but she has a mind of her own. Yep, she pegged her from day 1 for sure. She's an independent bundle of energy and we love every bit of it.

She's certainly been a joy to nuture, teach and learn from. We couldn't have asked God for a sweeter little girl than Courtlyn Claire. So here's to new beginnings in blogging and new beginnings in the toddler world....hope you enjoy!!!!